<h2 class=”uppercase”>SHIPMENTS& COURIERS</h2>
E-COMMERCE platform provides interconnection with the largest courier companies.

<h2 class=”uppercase”>Co-operation with Soft1</h2>
Our strategic partnership in implementing the e-commerce platform, with one of the largest ERP Ventures, has led to Soft1’s ERP as a backend and CMS tool.
ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning)
are integrated information systems designed to support all business activities. These systems integrate all major business activities and all processes into a central control system that provides an overview of the operation of the business.

Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) systems now play a major role in supporting business action by automating business operations and integrating business processes through a common database. The flow of an ERP system consists of functional modules allowing the business to install only those necessary.
<p class=”lead”>An ERP system provides the ability to support and organize information
about the following business activities:</p>
<p class=”lead”>In order to facilitate, shorten and simplify the daily processes of a modern e-shop,
information is now collected in one database.</p>
<h2 class=”uppercase”>Real-Time Information</h2>
As ERP and e-Shop’s database is common, your e-shop is updated in real time, which relieves you of time-consuming and wrong synchronizations of two different databases.
<span style=”font-size: 115%;”>Check the benefits below:</span>


<h2 class=”uppercase”>Co-operation with Mantis</h2>
Logistics Vision software suite, Mantis’ flagship software suite, is the only WMS / logistics information system in the world that can be easily adapted for large enterprises with sophisticated and high performance needs.
Its open architecture allows for easy and complete interconnection with additional ERP & MRP information systems. Logistics Vision Suite is a structured and comprehensive family of products that includes the following systems:
<p class=”lead”>Warehouse Vision for the Organization and Automation of Distribution Centers</p>
<p class=”lead”>Transportation Vision for Optimizing Distributions</p>
<p class=”lead”>Inventory Vision for the Optimization of Inventories</p>
<p class=”lead”>Plant Vision for Production Management</p>
<p class=”lead”>Quality Vision for Quality and Safety of Food</p>
<h2 class=”blackText”><span style=”font-size: 100%;”>Group Sets</span></h2>
<p align=”left”>The application enables integrated monitoring and management of the items that are composed of other items by means of creating composition bills of materials (set).The specifications for each bill of materials determine the quantitative ratio of the components and the validity – for example in cases it is created to meet seasonal needs or offers with a specific duration.</p>
<h2 class=”blackText”><span style=”font-size: 100%;”>Loyalty Schemes: Gift Vouchers</span></h2>
<p class=”lead” align=”left”>Τhe application allows the complete management of gift cheques in retail sales. In particular, the application supports the management of two types of gift cheques:</p>
<strong>Α. Gift voucher to sell</strong>
In this case, each type of gift cheque – depending on its value – is posted as warehouse item, for which it is mandatory to activate serial number management. Gift cheques creation is performed through a document (purchases, warehouse), using serial numbers. After sale they are posted automatically in the gift cheques file and are available for pay-off in retail documents.

<strong>Β. Gift voucher provided as a gift</strong>
These gift cheques can be posted directly in the gift cheques file appearing in the Sales menu and then, they can be used in pay-off lines in the retail documents.
The Loyalty Schemes were created in order to cover the ever increasing requirements of the users operating in Retail and acknowledge the necessity to build a relationship of trust and return with their customer.
The module provides the company with the ability to manage member cards collecting points, issue gift checks, or provide certain discounts.
The gift list has been designed to meet the needs of businesses – customers who want to keep a wedding – christening list or gift list. It works as follows:
<li>Customer and event data are recorded and entered in the system.</li>
<li>The items the list owner would like to purchase are recorded.</li>
<li>Money amounts are deposited into a gift list account.</li>
<li>Items are purchased by a third party and a deposit is made in the gift list (items are sold and held at the branch).</li>
<li>The list balance is redeemed by purchase of items either from the wish list or otherwise, and the balance is zeroed.</li>

<h2>Key performance indicators (KPIs)</h2>
A Key Performance Indicator is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use KPIs at multiple levels to evaluate their success at reaching targets. High-level KPIs may focus on the overall performance of the enterprise, while low-level KPIs may focus on processes in departments such as sales, marketing or a call center.
<p class=”lead”>A way of measuring the effectiveness of an organization and its progress towards achieving its goals.</p>